Purchasing a second-hand vehicle for your own use or to rent out to generate extra income could be a risky investment. Those selling used cars may not tell you about the vehicle’s issues just so they could get rid of it fast. As a result, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise.
A car that has been in an accident becomes prone to a lot of problems even when it has been repaired and returned to its “pristine condition.” So you should stay away from one even if the asking price is hard to refuse. The fact that it’s being sold at a much lower price should sound warning bells to you.
Unfortunately, telling if a vehicle has been in an accident is easier said than done, especially if it has gone through an outstanding repair job. But, with proper vigilance, you should be able to spot these red flags.
Uneven or Misaligned Panels
The panels on an automobile are designed to follow specific slopes and shapes, and the spaces between them are expected to be consistent and regular. If you discover panels that don't match or gaps with different widths, it could be a sign that a “latero” (tinsmith) has done extensive work to repair the car.
Paint Irregularities
One indicator of accident damage is irregularities in the vehicle's paint.Contrasting colors between the trunk's hinges and the rest of the vehicle may indicate that a damaged part was replaced and painted..Watch out for oversprays as well. If you notice any spots that seem brighter or darker than the rest of the vehicle, don't hesitate to ask the seller why.
Excessive Putty
Putty is normally used to conceal flaws on the exterior of a vehicle. When there are lots of putty, this could mean that the car is concealing a significant secret. Running a magnet over the suspect panel is a good approach to test for putty. If the magnet doesn't stick to the panel, it's a warning.
Unusual Weld Marks
After a collision, a car may be bent in numerous ways. Look under the car you’re inspecting and search for any weld marks that seem out of the normal. If you find one or several, the under-chassis part may have been heated up and bent somehow to correct its alignment.
Misleveled Chassis
Speaking of the chassis, make sure to check it out when looking for collision damage in a used car. A car's chassis ought to be level. If it isn't, you should ask the seller why.
Overstretched Seat Belt
When an accident happens and the automobile has to come to a rapid halt, the driver will tend to fall forward. This is when the seat belt comes into play to secure the person in place. In the process, it can get stretched or ripped. So, if you see the car's seat belt is loose or overstretched, you might need to rethink buying that car.
Mismatched Car Parts
Requesting information about any significant part replacements can help determine if the car has a history of accidents. Make sure to check if the front and back windshields were produced by the same company. If not, one of them may have previously been replaced, which is a sign of a possible accident.
Flimsy Doors
The door of either a new or an old car should shut with a loud thump or click. If it somehow fails to do so, you might want to think twice before buying the vehicle.
New Airbag Panels
When a car crashes and the airbags disintegrate, the plastic parts that hold them either pop or split open due to the intense pressure. If the airbag panels on a secondhand automobile appear newer than the rest of the cabin, it could be a clue that the original airbags have been replaced due to an accident.
Final Thoughts
When buying a second-hand car, it is always prudent to make sure that it has not been involved in a major accident previously. Having a capable car mechanic inspect the vehicle for you will be a big help to determine if the second-hand car is worth buying. Of course, a car that has had a minor accident that did not compromise its reliability should also be considered, especially if the repair done to it is superb.
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