Every year, approximately 20 typhoons enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR), bringing a lot of flood waters on our streets. Typhoon Ondoy, arguably the most infamous in the country’s history, happened in September 2009, bringing flood waters that rose 12 to 15 feet, completely submerging homes in barangays and sweeping vehicles to a distance of over 100 meters.
During a typhoon, protecting yourself and your home is certainly important, but so is safeguarding your car, especially when you’re renting it out. After all, it's both your primary mode of transportation and source of income. Having your car repaired or replaced as a result of typhoon damage is unquestionably costly. So, better make sure you secure it as well during inclement weather.
Finding secure parking during typhoon season has become an urgent concern due to extreme weather occurrences caused by climate change. Traditional parking lots and roadways can easily become inundated, putting cars at serious risk. Thus, finding a safe parking location before a storm comes will help car owners in safeguarding their prized possession.
5 Alternative Parking Spaces During Heavy Rains
For this article, we have listed a variety of more practical and efficient parking solutions that will help keep your car secured from the threats of floods and strong typhoons.
Multi-Story Parking Facilities
These places are an ideal choice during the rainy season because they’re built to endure extreme weather conditions. Due to them being elevated, they will keep cars safe from flooding. Some malls with multi-level parking now offer overnight stay for cars during a typhoon. If there’s a possibility that your place is going to be flooded, better avail of such an offer beforehand for the sake of your car.
Underground Parking Spaces
Condominiums and corporate facilities generally have well-maintained, flood-resistant commercial underground parking facilities. These businesses typically make investments in suitable drainage systems and flood protection strategies to guarantee a secure parking area.
Temporary Parking Relocation Centers
Some cities or municipalities may establish temporary parking relocation services during extreme flooding situations. These are typically provided in city hall grounds or basketball courts that are elevated. You can contact local authorities, disaster management organizations, or community organizations to avail of such a service.
Shared Parking Spaces
In times of flooding, sharing parking spaces and pooling resources might be an advantageous approach. Collaborate with friends, family, or coworkers to find secure parking spots. Sharing a parking garage or raised area can protect several automobiles.
Areas with Higher Elevation
Elevated areas can serve as a refuge for your car during floods. Just make sure that you obtain permission from the property owner (private or public) first.
Other Things To Keep in Mind
Vehicle safety and protection are paramount, and options such as multi-level parking structures, elevated grounds, commercial parking facilities, temporary parking relocation services, and shared parking arrangements can significantly reduce the risks associated with flooding. Now that you’re aware of the recommended parking spaces during the rainy season, here are a few more crucial things to consider.
Keep your car safe from other potential dangers.
Look around for anything that can cause damage to your car during a storm, such as objects that will float with the onrush of flood waters or fly with strong winds. These include trees, poles, garbage cans, pieces of roofing, and trash.
Disconnect your vehicle’s battery.
This is to make sure that your car’s electrical system won’t get shorted just in case flood waters rise enough to reach the engine compartment. Remember that some of the vehicle's electrical components are still powered by the battery even when the engine is off.
Put your own safety above everything else.
While your car is a valuable property, nothing is worthier than your life and your loved ones. If the choice comes down between your own safety and your car, never compromise yourself. By all means, take the necessary precautions to protect your car from flooding. Just don't put your life in danger while doing it.
Final Thoughts
When a storm threatens your place, remember to prepare ahead, keep informed, and prioritize safety. Secure your car when there is still plenty of time.
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